Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 10, 2006

June 7, 2006

I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I'm having another ultrasound. I've been going every week to see the doc for them since i was 19 weeks. Before this i was going every 2 weeks, but since i am considered high risk and she is a high risk specialist, she is having me come every week to monitor my cervix for any changes. So far all has been on point. No problems!! I was nervous as i got closer to 20 weeks because of what i went through last year with Chase, but we sailed right through that I'm very excited I get to see my little man again (yes it's a boy). You would think that after having as many ultrasounds as i've had it wouldn't be so special. BUT who wouldn't want to see there little one every chance they got. And tomorrow I will be 24 weeks.. That dreadful number drilled into my head last time. 23 weeks for a girl 24 weeks for a boy.. I think i have said that to myself everyday for the last 11 months since I had Chase last June... Finally a sigh of relief, we made it this far, lets keep on trucking..

So we thought...

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