Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 10, 2006

June 14, 2006

Today we had another family meeting with the doctors scheduled. After the last one, neither I or Chuck were looking forward to it. Thankfully after a morning filled with worry and nervous anticipation, it turned out to be a pretty good meeting.
The staff at this point were becoming much more familiar with Aiden, and so they had a better idia of what to expect and what to watch for. They had done the head ultrasound and found a small amount of bleeding in the expected area. The good news was that it wasn't expanding, which is what they worry about. His potassium levels had also dropped into normal range and was not something to be concerned with anymore. They also told us about another condition very common with preemies, which is a blood vessel above the heart that short circuits blood where it needs to be while the baby is in the womb and then closes up before the baby is term. Since Aiden was almost 16 weeks early his may still be open. So they gave him a special medication to close the PDA. Without it closes Aiden could run into alot of problems.
I on the other hand am being discharged tomorrow which is bitter sweet for some. Since Chuck has slept in my room every night that I have been here, i am sure he is dying to sleep in a bed. As for myself, well honestly, I like it here. I get to wander down to see Aiden anytime I want, and know I am only 2 minutes away, rather then a 30 min car ride. Plus here I am taken care of and medicated to stay comfy from the C section pain.. Which is not a pleasant feeling at all. Walking isn't so bad at this point, but sleeping seems to be an issue. I just can't get comfy, no matter how I lay, it still feels wrong. But that could be because I had a classic. That is when they cut side to side on the outside, but up and down on the inside. it is the fastest way to get to the baby they said. The down fall is, it takes longer to recover and you can never have a vaginal birth again, so I will always have to have C sections from this point on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.