Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 10, 2006

June 12, 2006

Late last night and most of today we have spent in a "holding pattern". The doctors like to scare the crap out of you with their grim assessments of the bad things that can happen. Apperently it seems to be the nurses job to be the optimistic voice. They tell us the first 3 days is considered the "honeymoon period". I understand they are trying to prepare us for the worst. I just wish they'd understand we have been through the worst once before. We Know! Now just give us the straight facts and let us retain our hope.
It is very clear the staff here knows what there doing, and they seem to really care. It is suppose to be the best hospital in the world for preemies, and it so far definitely appears that way.
Chuck stayed with me at the hospital over night, and the great thing is they let us down to the NICU any time we want, which is often.
The big scare right now is Aiden's potassium levels. It is very common for preemies to have hight potassium, but if it goes to high it can cause heart failure. There also isn't much they can do for it. They give him calcium to fortify his heart, but for now we just hope. They told us this happens frequently and then usually drops within 48 hrs. once it goes back to normal, it's not usually a problem again.
They also have him hooked up to a stunning array of IV's, sensors, and ventilator tubes. The amount of things they are continually tweeking and medicating him really drives home how fragile he is. Ventilation levels, blood pressure, heart rate, blood gases, potassium, blood sugars, photo therapy for his skin... Up on this, down on that.. i am trying to keep up with it all but it is truley overwhelming.


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