Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, July 23, 2006

July 23, 2006

It is now 4:40AM and I have yet to sleep... For what ever reason I don't think my body will let me sleep unless I am running on E and dead tired cause I have been up til the wee hours for many nights in a row, OR it waits til I call and check on Aiden and then decides it's tired.. So I have called and hopefully the tiredness will kick in.
First off... HAPPY 6 WEEKS AIDEN!!!

The update I got tonight or shall I say this morning was good.. He is still at room air, and has not alarmed all night. (I am still in awe, but very happy) So they decided to lower his vent rates. They now have him at 22 over 6 with a rate of 32.. (Our goal is 17 to 19 over 6 and back to a rate of 30 or less, preferably 25) then he will definetly go to CPAP if he can tolerate that. BUT one day at a time, I know..
Since they lowered him, they just drew a gas to see how that is, and (fingers crossed) if it is good they may lower it again, or wait til his next gas (at 4AM tomorrow).. Slowly we are getting there.. YAY for Aiden.. It's about time some of his hard work pays off. He deserves a little rest.
And speaking of rest, I am off to get a drink and then to bed.. I'll update more later.

I went in to see Aiden and he had another day at "room air" and is doing well on his vent settings. He also doesn't look as puffy to me in some spots although he is up another 10 grams so he now weighs in at 1170 grams which is about 2 pounds 10 ounces... What amount is actual fluid weight I don't know. Probably about few ounces at the very least.
As for tomorrow, the plan is, they are going to do a GI contrast study. That way they can see how the "flow" of things is before they feed him. So the big feeding day may be Tuesday, which I am happier about, because Tuesday his primary nurse Micky will be on. Since she is very protective of my lovebug, I know she will voice her opinion if she doesn't think things are going well and that it's too soon. Which ever the case, I am glad a primary will be with him and not a nurse that doesn't know him well. Soooo since the study is tomorrow, I talked to the nurses today to see if Chuck could kangaroo for the first time. His day was going to be tomorrow, but I figured if Aiden isn't feelign well because he had a rough day due to the test, then it would be nice for both of them if they got to kangaroo. Well since my peanut had a good day today and tonight, Chuck got to kangaroo with him at midnight for an hour. You should have seen them, it was so cute. It's hard sharing, haa haa haa, but I was so happy for both of them.

Well all, please pray everything goes ok tomorrow for Aiden when he has the study done. Best case senerio would be for them to come back and say the air pushed it's way through and it looks fine. Aiden can eat and grow and finally get on the road to being home... And I can't wait for that day... Happy 6 weeks little man! I LOVE YOU sooooooooooooooooooooo much!!


Anonymous said...

It does my heart good to read the positive updates. Aiden is strong willed (the CV genes flowing in there!)and determined to stay with you! Your 'lil superman is all that and more! My love and prayers continue to go out to all of you!
~ Gommie ~

Anonymous said...

Still proving that you shouldn't pay any attention to odds! You go my little man!! :)
And look at Daddy - holding my darling little nephew! Lots of love and prayers still coming your way from everyone I know, including cousins RJ and Olivia (who still can't wait to hold him - get in line)!!! Love, Auntie Elisa + crew