Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 13, 2006

July 11, 2006

Happy 1 Month Aiden!!!

They lowered the settings on his vent again and are talking again about putting him on the conventional vent. his lungs have showed improvment and look a little better. he lost the IV in his foot but luckly they got another one in his hand. My poor little guy, he's always being poked so much he is running out places to put the IV's. He needs time to heal, which takes about a week to 10 days, maybe longer for him and since the IV's only last 2 to 4 days it's tough.
His blood gas has been really good the past few days too. (happy happy)

It's our night visit and they asked us to wait a few minutes before coming in. They have to retape Aiden's tube. This then turned into them again retubing him. He pulled out his tube again. Well not pulled it out, but build up so much spit in his mouth that he wiggles it all the way up so far it was in his mouth.

At least Andrea came out to keep us company and make the time go by so we don't worry. It usually doesn't take this long. I gave her the gift we bought for her, Neill and Beau. Now both Beau and Aiden having matching pooh bears :)
I also got Aiden some blankies for his isolette. I have to wash them so I can bring them in tomorrow. I thought it would be nice for him to have his own stuff that smells like mommy and daddy.

We finally get to go in and they are still fussing over him. The first thing I notice is that they have put him back on the conventional vent and taken him off the jet. I am happy and nervous, hoping they didn't jump the gun. Now that they have stopped fussing over him he seems comfy and fine. He just went through a retubing and getting a new repogle (which even causes me to gag) so I am sure he just wants to have some peace.
Our visit was going well then "that same intern" the one I talked about before, comes over to talk about them putting him on the new vent. That conversation went fine until it led some how into his gut. Lets just say that she was so negitive about Aiden's out come that when she walked away I snapped at Chuck for even talking to her and then ended up going home. i was so upset I cried. I got home and was so angry and crushed. She took all the hope I had and stomped it into the ground. It was like she is trying to say in he own way, we are keeping him alive so you have some time with him, but in the end he's not going to make it. Well that is not an option for me. My son has fought through so much. I will not accept that his belly is going to take him away from me. We will get it fixed and stabilize his BP and get him well..


Anonymous said...

Continue to believe Jess. Many medical staff members can't believe past their own power and either lose touch with or don't believe in the spirituality of things. There is a much higher power....and I believe in miracles! Be well Aiden! Live long and healthy!
Love you all!

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