Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 20, 2006

July 20, 2006

Yesterday (wednesday)was another long visiting day at the hospital. It has seem to become the normal for me. I know I am going back to work soon and I only have these last two weeks to be with Aiden as much as I can. It's killing me knowing I won't be able to see him all day until after 5 when I get out of work, but I'm not going to think about that now (or at least for the next few minutes)
Well after they gave peanut the lasix he pee'd up a storm and dropped some of the weight he was hanging on too. He went from 1010 grams to 950 grams. This is good considering it was fluid gain.
And he pooped again, just a bit but on his own with out a suppository. They decided to then give him one a few hours later and he pushed that sucker right back out. When I changed him it was sitting on his bum cheek like it was never put any place else (you get the point) so that was just about pointless since it did nothing. He has continued to pass some mucas stuff but that's about it. He is still very distended in the belly area and has a lot, I mean a lot of gas in his intestines. The poor little thing. They think he might have a blockage from the NEC issue previously and that is why the gas is not passing all the way through. So no feeds yet and we are still waiting, howlong I don't know.. It's just really fustrating..

Today (thursday) we had a "family meeting" with Dr P, he went over Aiden's progress and told us what surgery said about his belly, which is they are waiting to see if the intestines will pass what ever is blocking because they really don't want to do a contrast study, they are affraid of damaging him more. Umm ok, now what we asked.. How long do we wait? What if he doesn't pass the blockage? I requested a meeting with the surgons, which Dr P is suppose to set up. I want to pick there brain and want to know how long they are going to wait. Don't get me wrong I am not saying we should feed Aiden just to feed him, there is obviously a problem. BUT how long do we wait before they do something to "fix" the problem. Before we were told he needed surgery and that we had to wait til he was stable enough. Now he is stable and we have to wait just to wait.
I don't want him to have to have surgery, I dread the thought of it, but Aiden is now 5 weeks and 4 days old and has not eaten. On top of that in the last 24 hrs he isn't peeing much, and retaining fluid. His electrolytes are fine, his blood gas and red and white cells all fine. For the first time his lungs sound really good today and all of a sudden he is puffy and swollen and get this.. Weighed in at a whopping 1120 grams, that is 2 pounds 8 ounces.. He jumped from 990 to 1120 inless the 24 hours.. That's A LOT for a peanut.. I'm worried!! Also his billi is building up in his blood and bot the billirubin that they can do photo therpy for, this kind they can't treat, it fixes itself once a baby starts to eat and the intestines kicks in. Right now the levels are not at a point where they are panicing but if they keep waiting I don't know what's going to happen.
After the meeting today chuck went to work and I stayed at the hospital until he got out of work and picked me up. Another 10 hr visit and I already want to rush back. We left the hospital a little after midnight and I just cried on the way home. I miss Aiden so much and just want to be able to hold him and be a mom to him. I want him to be ok and it is scaring the crap out of me that he's not. He's come so far and over come so much. I just wish he'd get a break.
I took some pictures today of him all wraped up like a pea in a pod. i didn't do the best job wrapping him but he was comfy so I didn't want to fuss over him to much. These were before he got even puffier.
So once again I am asking.. Please all pray all you can, please make someone hear us. Pray for my peanut, that he gets better and is ok..


Anonymous said...

We LOVE our little Aiden! The kids continually ask when they get to see and hold their new cousin. School can't start fast enough (as this is when they will get to see him for the first time - after school starts). Everyone I know is keeping Aiden in their prayers and send their love. We're all watching him on the blog! Keep on truckin little man!! :)

Andrea said...

Go Aiden GO!!! We're happy to be his cheerleading section. Maybe Beau will teach him how to poop on Betsy! Take care and see you soon.
-Andrea, Neill, and Beau