Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, July 10, 2006

June 28, 2006

I'm sitting by Aiden's side until I have to leave for my one o'clock doctors appointment.
Last night was a relitivly quiet night, and so was the night before. Meaning they didn't have to knock on our door and wake us for any issues. Other then that, well Aiden is holding his own on the machines they have him on. A bit of tweeking up and down like usual on the settings but that's about it. Unfortunetly he is stil lon high O2 settings to keep him in the range he needs to be in. There are just so many worries.. His lungs, his belly, the IV's and the damn infection.

Dr L came back Monday and we had a meeting. She told us again she is very worried about Aiden's lungs and what can happen if he doesn't get some recoop time. Her fear is he could blow a hole through the tissue. The she is worried about his gut. He is still not strong enough to go to surgery to repair the intestines, so he still has the drains in. With out that repair he can't eat, and with out eating the only nutrition he gets is the IV fluids which is not good for him if they have to do it for a long period of time. I sware this circle is never going to stop. I'm so angry inside about this happening to him. My beautiful little boy doesn't deserve this.

So it's on to another day and another meeting. i am hoping the yeast infection went away, they can fix the NEC issue, his lungs have time to heal and his blood pressure stabilizes so he can come off the dopamine.
I have to leave now and i don't want to go. I be back later for a "family meeting" to go over results of new tests and all that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.