Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, August 28, 2006

August 28, 2006

Yay.. It's official.. My peanut gets to start feeds on Friday!! I'm so excited for him. He's so antsy between 8 and 10 some nights and you can tell it's from being hungry. I can only imagine how much he's going to grow once he starts eating.. My peanut will no longer be a peanut.
On another good note his blood work came back and his bili levels are down. ( This is the stuff that causes the jaundice) So I am happy about that. Once he starts eating it will also go down.
As for his eye exam, well they didn't do it today. Nothing was said to the nurse and when I questioned it, CC said they never came around so they are either going to do it on Wed or they decided to do it on next Monday. I'd assume Wed because once they see that a baby has ROP they do them weekly and his last one was on the 21st. Guess we will find out tomorrow if it is going to be on Wed for sure. The only thing we are watching now is his temp. He seems to keep a temp between 97.3 and 97.7 but tonight he dropped down to 96.6 So we bundled him up and will keep an eye on it.
As for me well I been fidgiting with his window treatments and right now have two different ones. Each window is staying this way until I can figure out what one I like best or until i get more then just me and Chuck's opinion. I can't decided and the one I seem to like the best is the one Chuck likes the least. Maybe I will have to wait until Friday when Aiden's auntie comes over. She can tell me what one she likes. I'll have to wait for his gommie too. (That's family talk for godmother) She always has good advice. Now it's just getting some jungle stuff tha tmatches that I can put on his shelf and waiting to find a dresser and we will be close to done. Not done, just close to it. And last but certainly not least, will be my peanut all snuggled in his crib.

I'm getting really excited. My shower is coming up on the 16th of Sept. I know about it, and know who is invited, just don't know who is coming or all the little things people are doing to put it together so it still is a bit of a surprise. I can't wait cause it makes me feel like Aiden is that much closer to coming home. It's my day to finally celebrate him. YAY!!!

Sweet Dreams my little "super"man.. I'll see you tomorrow but until then I send you and Chase all the kisses I can. I love you both very much. xxooxox

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey you i'm so happy to read all the good news. i'll keep praying and you keep him full so he isn't so hungry anymore lol. i'll talk to you so.
