Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

August 2, 2006

Aiden got his line in. YAY!!! They did a "cutdown" at the bedside, so it spared him from being sent over the Children's. They just turned his isolette into a little OR, and presto whamo, luck was with us today. They made an incision and put the line in his leg. Now they can get rid of some of them IV's (they took one out tonight and may take the "long line" out tomorrow morning. That way he will have the surgical pik line, which has two ports, and one IV. Eventually he won't need an IV if all goes well after he is off the anitfungal meds they are giving him for the yeast infection. Which I might add, is GONE!!!!!!!
As for tomorrow, word is, he goes for the contrast study of the lower GI. They will give him a enima of barrium (the poor thing) and see how far it travels. I am hoping all looks good and then we can feed him either tomorrow night or friday. (Please all, keep your fingers crossed, he's been through enough, and I don't want to have to send him to the OR for a surgery on his belly)
Another good thing is Micky is back. She was out for a while and well I always feel comfortable when Aiden is in her care. She is great to him..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Little Man! Our thoughts and prayers our with you! We know you're going to do GREAT with this contrast thing today... you're such a little trouper!