Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

August 15, 2006

Can you believe it is already the middle of August.. Geeesh!
Well Aiden is doing great! Yes I used the word Great.. He is tolerating CPAP very well and it seems to bother me much more then it bothers him. I think they may try him on nasal canula very soon too. This I am all for.... As for his feeds, well they upped them again. He was moved to 8 cc's, then at noon today moved to 10 cc's and at midnight will be moved to 12 cc's. His orders are now to increase feeds twice a day every 12 hours. As they increase his feeds they will decrease his TPN and Lipids (this is the IV nutrition he gets) He will stay on that until he gets close to full feeds which would be about 30 cc's a feed. So we are about 1/3 of the way there. Not so bad for just starting this on the 5th of August and considering everything that went on with his belly and gut. I am still amazed. The only other thing we are now keeping an eye on is his puffiness. Today he seemed puffier to me and the nurse who mentioned it to the doctor. I have a feeling they are going to put him on a diaretic to keep him from retaining all the fluid. We will just have to wait and see.
Tomorrow is a new day and that is always a good thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look at that little face!!! Oh my goodness what a precious baby! I love reading all this good news! Keep up the good work, Aiden!