Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, October 27, 2006

October 27, 2006

It"s Friday and today would have been the big operation day, but now we have to wait until Tuesday. Tuesday is now the day it will all happen, which means Aiden could come home between Saturday and Monday. YAY!!! I am so excited and I can't wait. It's going to be hard, I know, but I'll have Chuck and we will be all home and together.

I will say I got my first bout of fustration the other day. Part of it was I was over tired and well that will make anyone cranky too. I'm not sure what his problem was on Monday but he was cranky and irritable. He wanted no part of anyone and was so tired but kept fighting it. It took him so long to settle down it seemed. Aiden was having a day on Tuesday, and I didn't see him that day cause I was home and had the sniffles so I wanted to be cautious and didn't want him to get sick if I was getting sick. I later discovered that it was from all the dusting and cleaning and moving stuff around I was doing that it stuffed up my head and made me feel terrible.
So Wednesday he had a great day and I went in to see him and stayed for a long time. We did our routine and he fell asleep about 7:15 pm, so I put him to bed and went to go grab something to eat in the cafe. I came back up at 8pm and he was awake. His nurse just got done changing his diaper and doing him up and he was a wild man. He was so aggrivated he wanted no part of nothing. I held him for a while and he finally calmed down but refused to go to sleep. His eyes would get heavy but when ever they got close to closing he'd fight it and wake up again. This went on for 5 hours. YES, he was up for 5 hours straight and for 4 of them I was holding him and rockign him to keep him for being so fussy. One minute he'd want his binki, the next he didn't, then he's start to fall asleep then he's jolt his eyes back open and cry. I know I now welcome to motherhood. I finally had to pass him to the nurse becuase it was close to midnight and I needed to mve my car out of the parking garage. I felt so bad handing him over but I was so over tired at that point from this crazy week and I had to work in the morning. Needless to say he was awake uptil a little after 1 AM and then went to sleep. You would think after that he'd sleep for hours but he didn't.
I'm starting to wonder if it is cause he is still hungry. He gets cranky right before feedings and once his belly is full most times he settles down some, but not all the time. It's like he is saying "hey people I am still hungry and I want more". That is what makes it hard. With a baby eathing from a bottle you can give them there 2 or 3 ounces and if they want more give them more, until they are full and stop eating. But with Aiden being feed through his NG tube, they pump in 78 cc's bases on his weight and that's it. The reason I wonder is because of the way he acts (like he is still hungry) and when I see babies that weigh 2 pounds less then Aiden and take 10 to 15 cc's more then him before they are happy.
I wonder if anyone else who has a baby on a NG and who then got a G-tube wondered if they were still hungry after giving them the perscribed amount of formula.. If so please comment cause I could use the advise. I'll have to als the nurse or the doctor too and see what they say.

Well I'm going in soon to see him, so I will update later if there is any new news. Until then thanks for reading and thanks for all your blessings. The countdown is on.... Go Aiden Go!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Aiden go, is right! He is well on his way and will be home before you know it. Hang in there. Congrat's on his amazing progress and strength. Love and positive thoughts your way. I know it is hard time - the count down begins :) Jen and Ronin are thinking of you.