Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

October 16, 2006

Aiden had a great week end, he is feeling much better. The other day he spent about 2 hours awake and just looking around. Chuck was amazed how alert he was since he doesn't usually get to see him like that. He was happy and smailing and just being "nosey Aiden" ha ha.

As for his updates, well we have decided on the G-tube placement, and feel it's for the best, since it is only temporary and will help Aiden in a lot of ways. I can not fear the thought he may have it longer thenI want, because right now it is waht he needs and if he has it longer then so be it. As long as he is growing and healthy and happy then that is all that matters. He'll be home with us and thriving and that is better then being in a hospital and missing this time to bond with us. I can't imagine him being in a rehab for another 3 to 4 months. NO WAY!

Right now he has 10 days left of the antibiotics and then we can think about the g-tube. When he has that done they will also do the "other stuff" and if all goes as planned he could be home a week later.. That is just strange to say.. Three weeks rather then 6 to 8 weeks longer.. All I know is Chuck better move his bottom and finsh the dresser for Aiden's room.. HA HA

SO keep praying and sending good thoughts and I thank you all for keeping track of us. Your blessings mean so much. And to "jp" you left a comment to read another preemie blog that is on blogspot. Well thank you and just so you know, me and Andy, Beau's mom are really good friends (in person) we meet at the hospital when Aiden and Beau were born. It's a small world huh..
Here are som new pics too of Aiden's last tubby (10/16/06) He loved it, in his new tubby chair..


hallegracesmama said...

It's such a small world! I am glad you and Beau's mom have each other to lean on. We treasure the friendships we made during Halle's NICU stay. Best of luck to you on this last stretch of the NICU journey. If you have any questions about the g-tube surgery or anything, email me or post to Halle's blog. Take care.

Anonymous said...

The bottom is in motion...

Anonymous said...

Oh what a big difference! He's such a "big boy" now. I often return to the earlier photos and remain amazed at the strides Aiden has taken and how far he has come. Truly a miracle baby. Going home is getting closer and closer and I can "feel" the excitement in those words when you write them! My love in abundance to all of you and my prayers continue....for always.