Happy "Birth"-day Aiden... Since today is the day he was suppose to be born.. Or should I say Happy Due date day.. Haa haa.. It's official.. It's a BOY!! Ha Ha!
His IV came out tonight, no more antibiotics. His LP was fine from what we know so far and things are going ok. He bottled twice today as usual. The first time he didn't do so well the nurse said. He took 20 cc's but spelled twice, so she stopped. Then at his 4 pm feed I just thought he was too tired so we didn't bother to try then. He actually slept right through the 4pm feed and woke up at 5 after his belly was full, the little bugger. Then at his 8pm feed he was up and hungry so I tried him myself and he took 15 cc's like a champ. No choking or gagging. I just had to set the pace with him in the begining cause he wanted to just suck it down like it was his binki and that isn't good cause then he will just choke and spell. But he did great. He got it going and did fine. Then I stopped him to burp and relax and he decided he wanted to go to sleep. That was enough eating for him. I waited a bit but he was not waking up. He was cozy and comfy and was probably thinking just fill my belly lady.. I'm hungry and I'm not working for it. So we gavage feed him the rest. Even though he only took 15 I was so proud of him he did it with out spelling.. YAY.. That's my baby boy..
He is also up 50 grams so now he weighs 5 pounds 15 ounces. He is 1 ounce away from being a 6 pounder.. Check that out eh..
I am posting a few pics today, since it is his due date, one of him when he was born and then some from today with his godmother "Gommie" Annette.. It's amazing, just simply amazing at what he has gone through and how far he has come.
Keep praying all.. He will be home soon I just know it in my heart that it's getting closer.
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