Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Friday, September 22, 2006

September 22, 2006

Aiden had a few more episodes. Once at midnight and another at 4am. His heart rate dropped and he wasn't breathing well. They are doing more blood work and he is still on the antibiotics for a few more days. His culturs grew positive but there not sure yet what for. The doctor today said he thinks it could be a staff infection. This would explain Aiden's sudden episodes. It's his way of saying, "hey something isn't right here". Although other then those few episodes the other day and this morning, he doesn't act sick. He's sleeping well, isn't fussy really and still loves being held. He is even starting to like his bouncy chair. He got to work with PT today again for 30 mins and enjoyed that too. He does well with her and seems to like it.
As for this infection, he is going to continue on the antibiotics for 7 days as I said and hopefully that will nip it in the bud. They will continue to do CBC's to watch his platelets and white blood counts. If they start to go lower the most likely they will start him on something else. Right now the two antibiotics he is on should be good. I am hoping because they started them on it before the cultures even grew out, that it will be a quick fix and he will be feeling better soon. No one wants a sick little one, and he's battled enough and still has a long road a head of him. I don't want to keep adding to it.
I mentioned to his nurse today about him coming home and was hoping originally by Oct 15, then after the lst set back said ok maybe Oct 31st. Now I feel like it's not going to be until November. Her reaction was basiclly the same. I don't think she thinks he will be home anytime soon, or anytime in the next 6 weeks. That just kills me. It's getting harder to leave him behind and I'm becoming emotional all over again. It now feels like it takes a month for a week to go by. I don't know if I can take two more months of the NICU. I love Aiden's nurses, but I am so tired of being there and visiting my baby there. I've already had to watch him spend the first (almost) 15 weeks of his life there. I am not looking forward to another 8 weeks or so.

On a good note, Aiden got his first tubby. YAY.. it was so cute. He loved it.. It was like a spa day for him. The first tubby he decided to poop in as soon as he sat in the water. So tubby one was out and tubby two was in.. Ha Ha!
He got to soak, scrub and wash his hair (well what he has left) and then put on some new duds and had a grand time. Can't wait for the next one.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. It's a rough ride, but your son is in the best place possible. It's much better to have these crazy things pop up while in the NICU rather than at home. While home is the end goal, it can be very scary, especially with a NICU baby. We were home months before things seemed normal and we weren't calling doctors and nurses worried about little things.

Anonymous said...

I agree, although you want him home, he is in the best place. I cannot imagine the feeling you have leaving him at night. Just remember that when he is 3 years old, strong and doing the exact same thing as the other kids, this will all be a blur. You are amazing parents and he is an amazing boy. Although I do not know you, I check everyday to see how little man is doing. My son turn 1 the day that Aiden was due. I am thinking of you. Would you feel comfortable posting an address so that we who read your blog could send a pressie to Aiden? I'd love to pass on not worn or barely worn items or just fun stuff to you. Just thought I'd ask. My email is jenfrp@gmail if you'd like to send it. Big time prayers sent your way.

Jennifer in Vancouver