Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

September 26, 2006

Oh what a day.... Aiden didn't get moved to intermediate yesterday but that's ok. As I said for personal reasons I am in no rush. In the ICU, I know he will get his primary nurses and in intermediate ya never really know. He also drank from a bottle 4 times yesterday. The first time, at 8am he took about15 cc's, then at noon he was really not into it and only took 10. At his 4pm feed his nurse tried again and he took 20 and we skipped the 8pm try cause he was just too tired. Then at midnight he took 21 cc's. Not bad considering his total feed as of yesterday was 53 cc's and he is still learning.

Then today was a big day. They bumped up his feeds to 130 ml per kg, which means he gets 58 ml's (or cc's) per feed. He took 30 cc's for his 8 am feed by a bottle and did wonderful. They skipped trying him at noon cause he slept right through his do up and tried him at 4 and he took 35 cc's. My boy is doing it.. YAY.. I know there are going to be bumps and it's still going to take time. Lots of time, but he seems to be getting the hang of it. I am so proud of him and so excited. He took over half of his feed by bottle and that is a fantastic start.
They also started him on a new med that he will get twice a day. It's called actigal and it will help his liver process the bili in his blood that causes the jaundice. Since it has not gone down on it's own and has actually gotten worse they decided his liver need a little help. The doc believes this is due to being on the TPN (IV nutrition) for so long. He only has two more days of the antibiotics for the staph infection and his eye exam yesterday went well. The doc was super happy with the results and said besides needing glasses his eyes are well on there way to getting better. YAY YAY YAY!!!!!

We also as of 7pm have graduated to intermediate. We are now not in the ICU unit but in the step up unit. Closer to going home and that is a really good feeling. It is getting harder to leave at night and not be able to take him with us. And he is becoming a momma's boy and knows when I am not there and doesn't like it. The nurse yesterday even said, he knew you were running late and was fussing cause he wasn't being held by me yet. As soon as I got there, he was fine. I didn't even need to hold him, all I needed to do was talk to him and he was happy as can be. But of course I held him.. Hee hee, who wouldn't..

SO, another check on the check list and we are on our way. A few more to check off, and we will be out of there... Now that just seems like crazy talk, as Chuck would say..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!
Go Aiden, Go Aiden, Gonna Get Strong, Gonna Come Home! WOOOOOOO
(singing to the typical chant and I am so thinking about dancing in a bad cheerleader way or doing the running man or something hee hee);)
He is soooo amazing. I am so proud of him and you too mom and dad! Keep up the good work baby boy.
Wow. Let's keep prayin' and movin' up that hill to come home! :)
Love you guys! Hugs & Kisses ~Joolz~