Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November 7, 2006

Our first 24 hours home and look, we are still standing..
Aiden seems to enjoy home much better then the NICU and I enjoy him home a lot more then driving to the NICU to "visit". It's awesome to have him here with us, just AWESOME!!

I will say this, I'm tired.. And I knew I would be, but PHEW.. sleeping in 2 hours naps stinks. Every so often I can get maybe 3 or 4 hrs if I am really lucky, but so far it's 2 hours here and our there. Schedule has become a big word around here. Right now it's Aiden's meds and feeding that keeps us going during the wee hours of the morning and the fact that he seems to have his days and nights confused.

We went to the pediatrician today and all was good. The visiting nurse came today too. She fell in love with Aiden already, but that's easy I think. The doc told up so try and wake him through out the day about evey two hours if he sleeps a lot to get him to stay up and then sleep more at night. It will help flip flop his days and nights back to normal. Now with that said, have ya seen my son... When he is sleeping, he is sleeping. You can wake him and 5 seconds later he is out cold again. (Just like his daddy) So this will be a project for the week. He does seem to like home enought to sleep better. Oh and he is now weighing in at a bit 8 pounds 7 ounces. What can I say the boy likes to eat, and it's real weight cause he doesn't seem puffy at all since he has been home, but it's only been a night so far.

Well right now he is sleeping and not due for another med for an hour an a half so I am going to try and take another nap. THen I have a two hour span before he needs to be feed at 4 am. Lets keep our fingers crossed he sleeps through til 4. That would be super fantastic.

Tomorrow we see the eye doctor and the surgon I'll let you all know how that goes too.
Enjoy the new pics of Aiden's day home.. He's so cute..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO CUTE!!! It's so obvious that you are in your element! When I saw you yesterday you were positively glowing, and Chuck looks so so happy in that picture! You finally get to feel like a "real family" all home together! I laughed when I read what you wrote about sleeping "in naps"! I SO remember those days! Neither of my boys slept more than 2 hours at a shot... but it's amazing at how good you'll get at functioning on no sleep :) Enjoy every precious moment of this time... it all goes by so so fast!

Let us know if you need anything at all!