Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, November 04, 2006

November 4, 2006

Good news is Aiden passed his car seat test.. Funny thing was I wasn't even worried about that. But he did fine. Sat in the car seat for 45 mins, mad a fes grunts and then wasgood to go..

Yukky news is, we went in to see him today and he had an IV in his hand. THey put one in to start him on IV antibiotics. Even though he was getting them PO (by mouth) or in his case right to the belly by the g-tube, IV meds work faster. Well his G-tube site is still red and was draining some yukky greenish stuff. His nurse decided to culture it because she didn't liek the looks of it. We were told that he will have "normal" drainage since he doesn't have a "balloon" behind his tube. He has what hey call a "mushroom" which is a disc that stopts the tube from coming out, but can still have a bit of drainage. SO, needless to say, what is draining out is yukky and not "normal" in my eyes. A doctor tonight said it is very common for the site to get red and irritated before it heals up correctly, but I feel so bad for him because you can tell it's sore and for the love of god, the kid has been through enough already. Now after all this he has a tube coming out of his belly that has to be hurting him. UGH!!!!!!!!!
They are giving him tylenol and will be sending him home on PO antibiotics for 5 days, however they told us that if by Monday the site doesn't look better and doesn't stop draining the greenish stuff, then Aiden will buy himself a little more time in the NICU.

Now I know that if this doesn't clear up bu Monday then he is better off there then home. I don't want him to come home and get and infection and end up sicker. With his track record he'd get a sepsis infection from it and end up back in the hospital and I DON'T WANT THAT AT ALL.. But I am hoping with all my might that it clears up and heals correctly and stops hurting him. That he can come home and be a normal baby, or as normal as we can make it for him. I know the g-tube is a good thing but I just want it to go smooth for him. Enough bumps in the road..

So please all, pray for Aiden that this all goes well. That his belly will heal up nice and clean and stop hurting him. That he'll get home and grow and have the g-tube out asap. I just want him to be able to be a baby and not have all this baggage. I know he doesn know any different but I'm sure you know where I am coming from.


Anonymous said...

Honey, you are being the best mommy ever. The fact that you will hold off a few days if everything is not right shows how unselfish you are. You know that even when he is home it is one day at a time. So, wait and see how it goes. If he is ready on Monday, great and if not, what are 5 or so days in the long run? The last thing you want is to bring him home and not know and think you don’t know what is what. You are doing the best for Aiden and always have!! You are such a fabulous mommy. I am so sorry that he is uncomfortable right now, but the Dr.'s and Nurses have been great so far - so just trust their judgment, as well as the mommy instinct you have. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Everything is going to work out I just know it. Take care my dear.

Anonymous said...

Hey Aiden!

Fight this little infection, Superman!! You can do it!! This is the last little step before you get to come HOME!!!

Many Blessings to you, sweet boy!

And keep up the good work, Jess... you're doing great! Let us know if there is anything we can do to help out!