Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 12, 2006

November 12, 2006

I know it's been a few days and well it's been crazy...
First off I want to start by saying Happy 5 Months to my Little Man!!! You are my rockstar..
(He turned 5 months yesterday) can you believe it.

So.. This week went well, we saw the pediatrician on tuesday, saw the visiting nurse on tuesday and friday, saw the surgon on wednesday and the eye doctor and figured it would be a quite week end. NOT SO MUCH.
Friday the visiting nurse came and when changing Aiden noticed he was a bit puffy "down there" and even in his face, which I had noticed too, but he is know to retain fluid so I knew it was coming. He was also working harder to breath which goes hand in hand with the fluid retainsion. So a call to the pedi was made and since it was a holiday and a friday and after 3pm they were closed, but our pedi happened to be on call. So we called him and left a voicemail and he called right back. He told us to bring Aiden to the ER at Children's Hosoital. Most likely he would need a dose of Lasix was my thought and I was right. We got to the ER about 5 and ended up being admitted. SAince they were giving him lasix they wanted to watch his electolytes and they only way to do that is admit us. THis was after they tried 4 times to get an IV in with 3 different people including there "IV team" (yes they have a "team" for everything there) At that point both me and CHuck were annoyed that they wouldn't listen to us when we said they were not going to get one in. Aiden is a very hard stick and we just spent 5 months in the NICU if any one knows him it's me and Chuck. What was more annoying was they can give oral lasix so why attempt an IV 4 times.?? After that we refused to let them try again and they said oral lasix was fine. If there is a nest time I am demand he have it oral cause I ma not going to let them poke at my baby if they have the same med and can give it to him that way. (I didn't know this when they first attempted the IV sticks)
Well we got a room by 9:30 and finally got Aiden fed about 10 (another thing I was annoyed about. Since we told them at 7 he was due at 8 to eat) They had a hard time finding his formula brand in the hospital, but if you ask me, it wouldn't of been so hard if they called the right department like the ummm NICU..

For the past two night, YES 2!, they decided to monitor him for 48 hrs rather then 24, his schedule was all messed up, but we got to come come at 1 and we were home by 1:30. I finally got him back on his coeect feeding schedule and his new med schedule. They added lasix every other day, added zantac just in case he gets any reflux, and dropped his potassium from 4 times a day to twice a day. Also his antibiotic is done as of tonight, so this now leaves us with a med schedule that is so much easier and allows time in there for naps longer then and hour or so.. YAY for naps.. ha ha

We now have to make an appointment with his pedi to see him this week for a follow up and make an appointment to see the pulmonary doctor too. Hopefully we can get that appointment on Wed since we already have to be at Children's on Wed morning..
Through it all Aiden did well. After all those pokes for the IV and then getting blood work drawn every day, he is still a happy sleepy little peanut, who trust me has his moments of grump and fustration but is still awesome and wonderful and maybe the cutest baby in the world..
Who right now is napping so I am going to try and sneek on in too. Although as I type this he will probably wake up and you know the rest from there. A mommy's work is never done..
And to all you men (and some women) who think staying home with this kids is a piece of cake, You have no idea, it is definetly a full time job in its self.
In the end it is so worth it though to have my little boy here with me and growing big and strong. Opps speak of the devil I hear him now.. So i will keep you all posted on how this week plays out.. Love and Hugs to you all..


Anonymous said...

Poor liitle man. He is so brave and strong. Give him extra hugs and kisses for us. We are thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. Keep doing what you are doing, because you know best :) Oh and yes being home with baby is lots of work, but honey, you have a lot more on your plate. I am in awe of your strength and ability. Give yourself some credit where credit is due! XOXO

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad everything is OK! I noticed yesterday morning that your car was gone, and I'd wondered if something was up. But then I saw your car shortly after I arrived home yesterday afternoon, so I assumed everything was OK. If I'd known you were at Children's I'd have stopped in to say "hi"... I was there with Harry in the ER till about 11... Never a dull moment, with kids.

Anyway, I'm glad Aiden is doing OK, and I admire your strength in keeping it all together for your little man! Happy 5 months, little guy!