Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 21, 2007

Aiden's pulmonary doctor was amazed at him. He said this kid is doing awesome look at him. (and I am sure daddy was smiling) He told CHuck that he thinks we should talk to early intervention and have them start Aiden with OT as soon as possible. That they will help him learn a sippy cup and or a bottle if we prefer, but that the cup is fine.
They will also work with his other "skills" which is fine with me. The more help and skills the better he'll be off. He also mentioned that he was going to talk to Aiden't pedi to set up something for "head forming" it's a pillow type thing that he'll sleep with. NOT A HELMET (that cost $1500 of 8 weeks) that still blows my mind.. Grrr
Either was it makes me laugh cause to be honest his head is fine. Yes my little one has a bit of a flat spot. BUT he is far from having FHS , and once he actually grows some more hair I don't think you'd even be able to tell. If it thought it was a major deal I'd be the first one to worry.

I use to worry when he was smaller, his head was round but a little off, and then he got a flat spot from being in the NICU and always wanting to sleep facing the same way. Once he came home in Nov. he was more active and i was always moving him and in time it got better. The spot on the side went away and the roundness of his entire head shaped up well.. So now it's the small flat spot in the back and the slight, ever so slight imperfection of complete roundness of his head. But come on, who has a perfect head.. I've seen some messed up melons out there in the world and my kid is far from having one of them. It doesn't have any effect on brain function and even my mom has a big flat spot on the back of her head.. You would never know unless you felt for it, but she is perfectly fine.. So I guess I will keep you posted on this situation..


Anonymous said...

Your Aiden is beautiful! So big! That is an awesome weight......I have an Aiden, he was born June 1st, 2005, he will be two soon. He is not even 19 lbs yet! My Aiden is a 32 weeker, nothing like your Aiden ......

I hope he continues to do well for you!

Anonymous said...

The "messed up melons" line will have me laughing for a while! Thanks! You have a beautiful miracle baby who has brought you much joy and will continue to do so, I'm sure. And is your mom okay with you posting to the world that she has a flat spot on her head??!! (ha-ha!) I never knew...until now! My love and continued prayers! A big kiss for Aiden...and one for you and Chuck too!