Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, April 16, 2007

April, 16, 2007

Well my cold is just about gone (I think) which is a good thing since the cerclage is scheduled for Friday and I don't want to be sick or I don't think they will do it. I have an appt on Wed for an ultrasound and can't wait. I'm excited for that. Everyone else (Daddy and Aiden) are doing good. No colds for Daddy but Aiden has been a little cranky. It's been on and off, but last night his appetite wasn't so great and he felt a little warm to me. I gave him so tylenol and for his feeding at 9, instead of formula I gave him some pedilyte. Then this morning he seemed 100% better. Eating like a champ again. Chuck said he was i a great mood all day (as was he yesterday) then got cranky about 3 o'clock today. Kinda the same as yesterday too. I've also noticed he isn't taking any long naps. He usually takes 2 half hour naps and then one nap for atleast 2 hours sometimes 3. Lately thought he's only been napping 30 mins here and there. So that could be part of it too. I could tell he was tired at 3 today and he finally went down but only for 30 mins. THen we went for a ride to see Daddy at work and he dozed off on the way home, about 10 seconds from the house. I felt bad cause I knew he'd wake up as soon as we had to get out of the car. AND he did! That was about 5 and he fell back to sleep at 6. It's now 7:30 and he's still out cold. So it will be one of two things. He will either be up by 8 to eat or he'll sleep through the night. He's done it before and then in the morning is FULL of energy.. HA HA
But just like us, I am sure they tire themselves out and just need that one day of tons of sleep.
Sweet Dreams my baby boy.. Sleep well, if anyone knows what it's like to run ragged it would be me. Thursday I was so sick chuck stayed home to take care of Aiden and I actually fell asleep at 6pm and slept til 7:30am...

On to another subject I wanted to let everyone know Team: Chase's Angels is walking again for the walk America on May 5th, 2007. This time we are also walking for Aiden. I wanted to change the name to Chase and Aiden's Angels but didn't know how.
Well if you would like to walk with our team let me know, or you can donate under our team name at

And to everyone else who is walking.. Good Luck to you!!

I'm now going to go check on my little man so until next time. xoxo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Aiden sleeps all night for you, I know you need your rest too! I am glad to hear you are feeling better, and I am keeping you in my prayers as the cerclage date approaches!