Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, December 10, 2006

December 10, 2006

Always something huh..
Well we spent about 6 hrs in the ER once again.. This time it was because I hooked up Aiden's midnight feed and went to change him and well his g-tube was out about an inch or more then it has ever been. Yeah it was a bit scary. I stopped his feed (he'd only got 8 mins worth) and off we went to the ER. It took forever, try this try that, then they decided to send him to get a g-tube study. It was off to xray and they put in some contrast to make sure it was going into his tummy. Sounds simple huh. Well this took 6 hours.. YES 6! For them to finally decide what to do and not send us home still questioning if it was disconnected. Which then meant that Aiden missed his midnight feed and his 4AM feed and was NOT happy. We finally got to go home and Aiden got to eat. The doc said to keep the little bas that spins on the outside of his belly taped down, but considering that it is suppose to move and be turned everyday, taping it makes no sence to me. So I will be calling GI tomorrow to see if they can get us in and take a look. I know it's not leaking, or well I've been told, and he has been tolerating his food fine, so that is good. I just want to make sure that it's not the tape keeping it in place so when I go and take it off the damn thing comes out. Or if I give him a bath, cause that would really scare me.

I finally can't wait for the tube and the oxygen to be gone. Parents that don't have there kids hooked up to 1000 things have no idea how lucky they are. Iknow the g-tube is easy to use and oxygen isn't a big issue. But when your out and have a baby and need to feed him and carry his oxygen around and the feeding bag. Making sure the bag doesn't tip so air doesn't get in his belly. Trying to chang his diaper when there are lines every where. And then getting the oxygen perfect on his face and he pulls it off. Not to mention that the tape at this point is giving him dry chapped cheeks. For his sake and ours I can't wait until he can drink from a bottle, eat off a spoon and not have to carry a tank around. Considering it it off his nose more then it is on from him moving and pulling, I am pretty sure he will be fine with out it.

On a holiday not I took some pics of Aiden today at my moms in front of the tree for xmas BUT since I am putting them in cards I can't post them yet.. Sorry all.. You will have to wait. I do however have pics from yesterday of him in his car seat all ready for some football.. Well once he wakes up that is LOL.. Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Poor Little Guy! And poor mom and dad! I really hope he gets rid of the stinkin' tubes and QUICK!

Thinking of you all as always, and sending lots of continuing prayers!

Anonymous said...

Oh I just love his chunky, little cheeks! At eleven plus pounds, I think he can play some football!
Soon enough, he'll be free of all the gadgets and doodads in tow each time you leave the house! During moments like that, reflect on where he was a few months ago and what you were going through then...and the tubes and tanks and whatever else will become effortless.
My love and prayers to you all. My countdown has begun. Eleven more days and my toes will tiptoe on Massachusetts soil once again! I look forward to seeing you!