Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, October 04, 2007

October 4, 2007

Aiden had his first OT session today for "drinking" and did fabulous with his new cup and exercises he will need to continue doing. He sat in his high chair, ate his breakfast, drank his milk, and it was like any other day. The key to this drinking thing since it is a new straw cup and he is working with a new person is to keep it fun. As long as it stays "fun" then he doesn't know it's work and will just become natural to him. His E.I. OT worker said he did really really well and that she anticipates that he will do fabulous with this. In 6 months we may be rid of the g-tube for good. We'll see, butt that would be nice.

He also got his flu shot the other day and two boosters so he has been a little cranky but all in all in a good mood. We just got the paper saying he qualifies for the RSV shots this year too which is great considering we have done well to stay away from colds and we will have two new little ones home from the NICU soon, maybe in the next two weeks.

He is now 24 1/2 pounds and 30 inches and growing. He's still crawling up a storm and cruising on everything and anything. It's also bumps and bruises age, cause I sware he is a clutz like his mom sometimes, but he is learning and to see that is just amazing. I try to picture 6 more months from now when the girls are home and he is even bigger. It blows my mind that he is growing so fast. Time really flies when you have kids! just as long as I don't turn around and I'm 53 and he's 21, THEN I think I'll lose it.. LOL

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I get envious of preemie moms who somehow learned how to get some weight on their kids!

You're doing such a great job with him! My 18 month old is only 20 lb. even and I try everything in my arsenal and its not working!

If I hear 'you know she's failure to thrive now' one more time I'm gonna scream!

Great job with your little guy - he's way too cute for words!