Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February 26, 2008

Well Aiden has started EI with the new place and so far we have had one session. I like the new person, she works really well with Aiden and is very nice. Too bad once we find a house we will be moving and have to shift to a new company once again since we will be about 40 miles south of here. So for the time being we have EI on Thursdays and Swim on Wednesdays. Then we will be having PT but I'm unsure on what days yet.

A few new things.. We got a new tooth that FINALLY cut through the gums. It's taking it's sweet time showing but it's there, so now we have 3 teeth at almost 21 months old.. (that's just funny to me) We can also stand up from a sitting or crawling position without crawling to something and pulling up on it. My boy is now off and running.. (well he attempts to run... lol)

Not much more new news. We have an appt with GI tomorrow to talk about getting the G-tube removed YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This we are all siked for, I can't wait and neither can daddy, or nonny, or anyone else. Aiden on the other hand may miss playing with it, the kid is insistent on playing with it when I change his diaper and fights with me to let go of it. I told Chuck we're going to have to cut him a piece of tubbing to keep..

So that is about it, I'll post more tomorrow and let you know how the GI appt goes but in the mean time here are a few older pics I just love..


Jennifer said...

oh my goodness, he's too cute! Congrats on the G-Tube, that's awesome!!!

Are you guys looking into moving toward Taunton?

twin power mommy ♥ said...

i love that first picture with you holding aiden. Hurray for the g-tube removal!
have a great weekend!