It's much much smaller then our old place, and I have to say it was hard leaving and turning the keys over. I walked into Aiden's room and tears started. His first room and now it will probably be painted over and some other kids room.. :(
Well we moved cause we had too. The owners sold the house, but by the grace of god things fell into place again and we got to move into Chuck's sisters house. She has a 1st floor apt that was empty and they live upstairs. Liek I said it's much smaller BUT, it is giving us an super op to save some more money for the next year and have a good down payment for our own house.. YAY! :)
Now onto Aiden...
We had out 1yr check up yesterday (a little late I now) but he is doing great the pedi said. He got two shots in his arm and cried cried cried.. I felt do bad he was getting them and knew he was going to cry that I made Chuck hold him and then after the shots tried to steal him away to give him love and kisses.. So wrong of me, I know, cause that makes "daddy" look like the evil one.
So we are now weighing in at 22.3 pounds (although I think the 0.3 was his diaper, lol, cause he needed a change) and we are 29 inches. That puts us at 50% for height and weight now.
As for his new little skills. He is now saying Ma, Da, Ba, and Mmmmm..
and all then Ma, Ba, Da's nave Mmmm in front of them, of courxe he wouldn't do this a week ago for his Early Intervention evaluation. Ha Ha
He is also rolling up a storm and can do belly to back (that has been a while now) and back to belly. He gets into the crawling position too on his own with no help from us and tries but seems to face plant more times then he can get those hands and feet going. LOL
This has all been in the last week to few days. I am so excited, I can't wait for him to crawl and pull up on things and walk. As for the big "W", well walking I think is going to be a bit longer. he will walk if your holding his hands, but his balance is still WAY off. Not surprised since I was a Clutz-o-matic as a kid, it's only normal for mine to not have the balance yet to stand on his own, and I'll take sitting up on his own first please.. He does ok but still falls over. Once he is down he tries and tries to pull himself back to a sitting position but so far those tummy muscles are not strong enough. He looks like someone struggling through then 100th sit up.. (Almost there but just can't get it) Unless you give him your finger then he'll pull all the way up, BUT would rather try to stand then sit.
I also asked the pedi about the divit in the roof of his mouth. He said most likely it will grow in more if not all the way, but agreed that it did probably have something to do with him not taking to a bottle and havign some issues with swallowing. I am surprised no one noticed it before (besides me). I did mentionit in the NICU and told it was common, but no one seemed to follow it or look at it again. I also think it is the reason he has trouble with some table foods I try here and there. Depending on what it is, like bananas or something that can stick to the roof of your mouth, he gags. It gets stuck and he doesn't like that. (Who would? )
But try try again is all we can do.. It would be nice to get him off baby cereal and onto some good mushy foods like pasta that he could hold, but then again cereal is so much neater.. HA HA
Either way at the end of the day, after everything he has been through. I am more then greatful that he is here with us and a happy kid. So he is a little behind.. Ya So!! He'll get there, and when he does, watch out world cause here comes Aiden!!!
He is already a handful, once he gets rid of his sea legs, he is going to be a monster.. and we have two more on the way.. UGH!!! Lets hope the girls are calm and relaxed LOL
Oh and I forgot to mention.. Aiden had his first over night last week. A double overnight at that. My mom was going to take him overnight to give us a chance to pack more and get the new place painted. Well she called the night before and asked to take him one night earlier. With hesitation I said OK, i knew we had a lot to get done, but this was the FIRST time ever Aiden would be away from me for an overnight. His first sitter, one day I had to work and Chuck was too sick to watch him, was hard enough. AN OVERNIGHT and now 2!!!
Well we survived, he did fab, and loved it, I on the other hand could NOT sleep the first night. I was up til 3:30am and then woke up for good at 7am. I tried not to call every hour and did good since I was at work I was distracted some.
It was funny cause after the two nights over there, my dad called and said bring him back cause now he couldn't sleep with him not there.
Yeah you can tell, this kid isn't loved at all.. Not even the tiniest bit..
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