Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 12, 2007

February 12, 2007

A day late but Happy 8 Months Aiden!!!

Well it's official, he is 16 pounds now.. Not so bad of a weight gain in a months time (14 ounces)
If you remember he was gaining a pound a week on the high calorie formula, so 3 1/2 ounces a week isn't half bad at all..
There isn't much new news besides the fact he has been REALLY cranky lately. Since Thursday he has not been the happy go lucky Aiden. Thursday, Friday Saturday and even part of Sunday he was very cranky, over tired at times, fussy and crying so much I though some one was trying to hurt him. I felt so bad. Part of the problem is I think his gums are hurting. He is chewing on everything he can, his hands our shirts, toys, fingers, and drooling up a storm. Then he was a bit constipated so it seemed, and wasn't poopin nearly as much as he usually does. A dose of prunes, apples, pears, and corn within two days did the trick to get him to go easier, but it was tough seeing him so upset and know there wasn't really anything i could do but baby him. And believe me, I do, Chuck did, my mom did! It has been a exhausting few days.
He's getting back to normal, that happy giggling smiling baby, but still has fits of tears and cries. I also think he is very colic. He's burping a lot but you can tell it's bothering him too. So I went out and got him the gas drops and they seem to help a bit. We'll see how it goes, that's all we can do.

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