Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 24, 2008

March 24, 2008

Today has been a rough day.. It was my first day back to work after 8 months of being home on either bed rest due to being pregnant with the twins and then extended maternity leave. I enjoyed the time I got to spend with my kids and family.
Then I got the phone call.. My dad passed away today..
Ironically he told me on Friday when he came home from the hospital that not to worry, he knew Monday was my first day back to work and he would wait til Monday to pass so i would get my four free days off. Both me and my mom have state jobs serving the public and get four days off paid for the death. My dad thought it was funny and I told him to shush cause he wasn't going any place just yet.. Boy did he know something cause I got out of work at 2pm and he passed at 2:30pm

Me an my dad had our differences but he was still my dad and the one thing I can say is that no matter how he treated us kids he made up for some of it with the way he treated mine. He loved my kids and enjoyed Aiden more then any kid I have ever seen him around. It kills me that Aiden will not remember that.

In memory of my dad I am posting and old pictur I took with my cell phone camera. It was when Aiden was littler and I didn't get a chance to take a recent one. It's bad quality but it's all I have.

I love you dad, and thank you for being my Daddy!

Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10, 2008

Bit by the BUG!!!!
I haven't posted because it's been a crazy week at the Russell household. I got the bug which I thought was food poisoning until Aiden got it and the the girls.
Lets just say I felt so bad I wanted to run into on coming traffic. I spent the day in bed miserable and unable to keep anything down. Then the next day when I felt some what better Aiden got it. The poor little guy puked and puked all night. It's the first time he's been sick like that so he didn't know what to do when he kept throwing up. I felt so bad for him. The day after he stopped throwing but then got the poops. Man, it's been nuts here and he still has them. He still isn't himself. He's very clingy, whiney, and just not my little Aiden. I hope it's gone soon and he's back to 100% cause this has been a week from HELL!!!!