Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007

Pictures Pictures Pictures... See I make good on my promises..

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

Well we got even more surprising news... I went for my first doctor appointment yesterday and because of my history with having early babies I always get an ultrasound at every visit. So we went in her office sat down and went over anything that has changed since last time, any questions, talked about something to help with this terrible morning sickness and nausua and then off we went into the exam room.. No popcorn but the lights were dim and we had an audience. Aiden and his godmother were with us. It was an internal ultrasound so the doc did her thing and nothing was on the screen.. Then finally the pic popped up and what was the first thing I saw..
TWO BABIES.... OMG there are two... Holy crap... and I'm not sure what else might of squeezed out. Can we say shock.. No one in our family has twins.. What are the odds.. It was just surreal, kind of still is...
SO yes all, we are having twins... They moved our due date a few days so it's now Nov 3rd..
They gave me something for the nausua and puking (thank god) but I think my body knew cause all of a sudden it is feeling better and I have only had to take the medication once so far in two days. I still got queezy but just a little and nothing like the past two weeks and I only tossed my cookies once today.. Yeah I know TMI, but that won't stop ya from reading.. ha ha ha

SO all I can say now is we are taking it one day at a time. I go in the hospital on Arpil 20th to have my cervix stitched up to help me carry longer but the odds are not as high now that there are two babies in there, but it still helps way more then if we do nothing.

Once again we are asking for them prayers.. I see how far Aiden has come and although the NICU stay seems so long ago on some days, all I have to do is read my blog or anothers or hear a story from someone and it ALL comes rushing back..

I am sure if both twins make it and do ok that we will, regardless, be in the NICU for at the very least, a small stay.. Here is hoping and praying that this time it just goes the way it is suppose to go.. I sware god is forever testing me. With the miscarriage, then with Chase, then with Aiden, now with twins.. Just please let that be the last of it and these babies be happy, healthy, strong and stay baking for at least 32 weeks...
I figure I was a 32 weeker and I'm pretty normal.. HA HA (although some would beg to differ..
For those of you requesting pics, there will be some soon... Sorry this past 2 weeks have been NUTS!!

Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007

I guess it's been about 3 weeks or so since I've posted and thit time we actually have news to share. We had a rough few days with Aiden being really fussy and ended up taking him to the ER for his belly button hernia. It got "stuck"! After being there from 2AM until 11AM they sent us home telling us it should be fine and that if it got stuck again then we'd have to bring him back and they might have to fix it, but that they thought it would still correct on it's own in time.
Well happy Aiden lasted for about 6 hours and then it was stuck again. It seemed that any time he ate cereal or food, a few hours later he was having trouble with it. So we called the surgon and left a message to call us in the morning and why. He then settled down after we got it "unstuck" and went to sleep. Morning came and no call, so we called again at 8:30, then again at 11, and yup again at 2pm. WE finally got a call back at 2:30 but not by the doc, but by the lady who was taking all our messages. She said since we didn't hear from him that she was going to make us an appt for next week... NEXT WEEK!! Are you kidding, umm NO we need to be seen today! So she said she would call us back again.. and she did, telling us to bring Aiden in to see a different doc, which was fine with me.
We packed up and off we went and the result was they agreed with us. He had to have the hernia fixed. The admitted us to the hospital and Aiden had surgery that night at 7:30.. He did great and now no more belly button knob.. He now has a belly button, which is a bit strange to me still to not see the knob, but I am sure I will get use to it..
We have to g oback in 2 weeks to have the bandage removed and I'll be able to see it for the first time. Aiden himself is doing much better.. He seems happier and not as cranky as he was before (unless he wants to be picked up and held) OMG he is so spoiled some times..

As for "other news" well we are pregnant!! Yup, once again back on that roller coaster ride of fear.. I am excited but at the same time so soooo scared. Scared of what could happen and scared of having two babies. I am just getting use to having one, I have no idea what my world will be like with two.
Well i know it will be crazy, but you know what I mean.
I'm still unsure how this happened though. Yay after 3 pregnancies I know all about the birds and the bees, but when ya sleep in two different beds and two different rooms and work different shift, it's a bit amazing how things happen.
One of us is always with Aiden and one sleeps in our bedroom, so if not for the terrible morning sickness all day long I'd have to wonder if I was just crazy...
I guess I'll confirm my craziness on Wed when we go to the docs for the first time (I'll be 9 weeks then)

Well the little monster is up and "requesting my attention" so I will post again soon..
Take Care!!