Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

Well we got even more surprising news... I went for my first doctor appointment yesterday and because of my history with having early babies I always get an ultrasound at every visit. So we went in her office sat down and went over anything that has changed since last time, any questions, talked about something to help with this terrible morning sickness and nausua and then off we went into the exam room.. No popcorn but the lights were dim and we had an audience. Aiden and his godmother were with us. It was an internal ultrasound so the doc did her thing and nothing was on the screen.. Then finally the pic popped up and what was the first thing I saw..
TWO BABIES.... OMG there are two... Holy crap... and I'm not sure what else might of squeezed out. Can we say shock.. No one in our family has twins.. What are the odds.. It was just surreal, kind of still is...
SO yes all, we are having twins... They moved our due date a few days so it's now Nov 3rd..
They gave me something for the nausua and puking (thank god) but I think my body knew cause all of a sudden it is feeling better and I have only had to take the medication once so far in two days. I still got queezy but just a little and nothing like the past two weeks and I only tossed my cookies once today.. Yeah I know TMI, but that won't stop ya from reading.. ha ha ha

SO all I can say now is we are taking it one day at a time. I go in the hospital on Arpil 20th to have my cervix stitched up to help me carry longer but the odds are not as high now that there are two babies in there, but it still helps way more then if we do nothing.

Once again we are asking for them prayers.. I see how far Aiden has come and although the NICU stay seems so long ago on some days, all I have to do is read my blog or anothers or hear a story from someone and it ALL comes rushing back..

I am sure if both twins make it and do ok that we will, regardless, be in the NICU for at the very least, a small stay.. Here is hoping and praying that this time it just goes the way it is suppose to go.. I sware god is forever testing me. With the miscarriage, then with Chase, then with Aiden, now with twins.. Just please let that be the last of it and these babies be happy, healthy, strong and stay baking for at least 32 weeks...
I figure I was a 32 weeker and I'm pretty normal.. HA HA (although some would beg to differ..
For those of you requesting pics, there will be some soon... Sorry this past 2 weeks have been NUTS!!


Anonymous said...

OMG! What a surprise, no wonder you have been so sick. I had to take the Dyclecton (or however it is spelt) and it worked wonders. What a shocker Jess. I can't imagine all the feelings you are having at the moment. You, Chuck, Aiden and the 2 little beans are in my thoughts. PLEASE keep me posted. Congratualtions and only positive vibes coming your way :)

23wktwinsmommy said...

AAAAHHHH! You're right! What a surprise! Oh my prayers will definitely be with you. Take it easy and maybe you can request frequent internal ultrasounds. I wouldn't have known I was in preterm labor without one. Not that you go into preterm labor, but just so they can keep an eye on your cervix. Will you find out their gender?

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog via Serena and Edwin's. I see you are linked to our site (Logan & Cooper), so you must be at least a little familiar with our story.

Your Aiden is so sweet and precious, and what a miracle. I want you to know that I will be praying for you to have strength throughout this pregnancy- and I will pray really hard that you make it to 32 weeks.

Good luck, and I hope the nausea stays away!

Jamie and Jill said... exciting! Here's to a VERY long, VERY boring, and VERY uneventful 40 weeks!