Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, November 11, 2007

November 11, 2007

Can you believe Aiden is 17 months old today and as of Nov 6th he has been home from the NICU for 1 year!!. It's seems like it's been so much longer..

He is doing wonderful with learning new things and learning to drink from him juice box cup. We have an appt with GI on wed that I made for a check up and to talk about his G-tube sight. It's looks a little "funny" to me and I want it checked out before i start to really worry about it.

He has learned how to open and close every cabinet and door in the house. how to turn the lights on and off, how to empty the diaper cabinet and to make super messes.. He is coming along just fine. We are now working on putting things into a bucket and then taking them out (this he has down with no problem except his "putting into the bucket" is more like winging them with full force into the bucket) We've worked on turning pages to the book, and being nice to your sister. (Which consists of stop pulling there hair and trying to grab there face) He is determined to stick his finger in there mouth and look for teeth like he does to every adult that picks him up) LOL

It's so nice to see him learning new things and tweaking the things he has already learned. Both is E.I worker and OT say that you would never know he was a preemie. He has come so far, learned so much and is really smart.

As for the teeth, well, still NONE!! Not a single one.. ha ha
They are there and they are coming and I think MAYBE by turkey day he might finally break through the two bottom but we will see.

And walking.. Still No, so close but not yet. He crawls up a storm, forward and backward, and will cruise from object to object. He'll try and climb anything he can but still doesn't seem to have that balance quite yet to stabilize taking more then a step with out falling down. He'll get there and when he does, OMG watch out world. This kid is going to be all over the place.

As I look back at pictures from last year at this time I wonder where the time went and realize that my little boy is no longer my "little" boy. He's growing up...

Aiden November 2006


Sarah Furlough said...

Happy 1 year homecoming anniversary, Aiden!

Jess- if your are bored (not likely, I know) I tagged you for a meme on my blog.

twin power mommy ♥ said...

Wow....doesn't time just fly by. Especially when you are busy with preemies. Haven't checked in in awhile, but saw that you recently checked in on mine. I had forgotten what your blog name was, so now that i have it, i will check in more often. I see you had the twins. when i get some more time, i want to read up on them!